Private Workshops

Skills workshops tailor-Made
for your group

Natural Cordage

In this workshop we can explore a range of skills related to producing your own string from plants. Including how to prepare natural fibres such as willow, nettle and bullrush, the two-ply twist method for making cordage and the making of bracelets, ropes and other craft items. 

Suitable for most ages and an easy introduction to the world of bushcraft. 

Wood Carving

This workshop introduces basic wood carving skills and techniques, including the safe use of multiple tools, how to choose the right wood for your carving project and the making of a utensil or ornament. The session can be tailored to a number of different ages and abilities depending on the end product of the session. Typical carving projects include spoons, whistles, tent stakes, beads and mallets. 

Fire Lighting

This workshop focusses on the fundamentals of fire lighting from ignition methods, to fuel selection to different fire lays. The session can be tailored to a wide audience in age and ability and will create a solid foundation of safe and effective fire lighting techniques. 

Tarps and Knots

This workshop can be adapted to a range of ages and abilities, from basic knots for children to professional tarp setups for outdoor leaders. Participants will be guided through creating their own tarp shelters and even depending on the venue, sleep in them overnight. 

Knife Safety

Designed for people that work with children and adults outdoors, this workshop provides a good baseline understanding of how to teach knife and tool use safety. Including, safe knife techniques, appropriate projects for a range of ages, maintenance and sharpening of edged tools and how to manage groups effectively. 

Tool Sharpening and Maintenance

A complete workshop on outdoor tools and how to maintain them, from sharpening knifes to restoring shovels, this workshop will guide the participants through the safe use of, care and maintenance of common outdoor tools.

If you would like to know more, get a free quote or simply chat about your group, fill out the contact form below or email me at

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