Income Survey

Help us build an understanding of Woodland Leader income

It is really difficult to get accurate information about what working in the outdoors as a woodland leader (Forest School leader, bushcraft instructor etc.) actually means in terms of income. For new and seasoned leaders alike it is tricky to work out what your expectations for what you can make should be.

The only resources out there, seem to be a few job postings on indeed and wildly inaccurate salary guidelines that don’t take into account the many different types of employed and self-employed options. 

My gut feeling is that the skills, abilities and qualifications of woodland leaders are massively underrated and undervalued, but I don’t have any concrete data to support this argument. 

My goal is to open up the discussion on income in the outdoor industry and challenge the notion that if you enjoy your job you shouldn’t be paid well for it.

To this end, I have created a short survey to fill out if you are a Forest School Leader, Bushcraft Instructor or Outdoor Teacher working in and around woodlands.